Seeking a good home for Actual Chips off the old block
These handmade adornments for your ears are crafted from rejected raw crystal chips that could not be polished into beads. Typically discarded as “too rough to tumble” and considered by jewelers as the “ugly ducklings”, these rough edges contain 100% of their metaphysical properties as genuine gemstones. Though we work to match their expressed colors and sizes as a pair, Each one is singularly unique and displays unshaped natural break lines. Personally, I find their “unrefined” raw beauty captivating, and their unadulterated energetic properties “unspoiled” . I am proud to offer these sustainable treasures as a part of our product line whenever they are available. Quantities are limited and subject to availability
Turquoise: Amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. Aids concentration and memory.
Amethyst: Protective, healing, purifying, to amplify spiritual wisdom
Citrine: Induce a positive, vibrant flow of energy & boost physical stamina
Orange Jasper: Emotionally strong, securing, and calming. Powerful protection against stressors and helps in cleansing and balancing vibrations of the energy centers and body